We use an autonomous neural controller (ANC) that handles the mechanical behavior of virtual, multi-joint robots, with many moving parts and sensors distributed through the robot's body, satisfying basic Newtonian laws. As in living creatures, activities inside the robot include behavior initiators: self-activating networks that burn energy and function without external stimulus. Autonomy is achieved by mimicking the dynamics of biological brains, in resting situations, a default state network (DSN), specialized set of energy burning neurons, assumes control and keeps the robot in a safe condition, where other behaviors can be brought to use. Our ANC contains several kinds of neural nets trained with gradient descent to perform specialized jobs. The first group generates moving wave activities in the robot muscles, the second yields basic position/presence prediction information about sensors, the third acts as timing masters, empowering sequential tasks. We add a fourth category of self-activating networks that push behavior from the inside. Through evolutive methods, the composed network share clue information along a few connecting weights, producing self-motivated robots, capable of achieving noticeable self-level of competence. We show that this spirited robot interacts with humans and, through appropriate interfaces, learn complex behaviors that satisfy unknown, subjacent human expectative.