Global loudness change is apost-stimulus retrospective judgement that measures listeners' overall impressions of loudness change in response to stimuli with continuous increases (up-ramps)a nd decreases (down-ramps) of acoustic intensity that are otherwise acoustically identical. Past results indicate that global loudness change is significantly greater in response to up-ramps relative to down-ramps for tonal stimuli (e.g., vowel)b ut not white-noise. An adaptive perceptual bias for up-ramp tonal stimuli has been proposed as afunctional ecological explanation. However, global loudness change may also be influenced by stimulus duration and an end-level recency-in-memory mechanism that biases retrospective global judgements on aramp'send-levelintensity,rather than its entire magnitude of intensity change. The present within-subjects experiment (N = 34)w as designed to systematically investigate the effects of intensity,s pectrum, and duration on global loudness change when end-levelrecencyiscontrolled. Up-ramps and down-ramps were embedded within twospectral conditions (tonal vowel /@/a nd white-noise)a nd presented over three durations (1.8 s, 3.6 s, 7.2 s) and twor egions of intensity change (45-65 dB SPL, 65-85 dB SPL).E nd-levelr ecencyr esponse bias wasc ontrolled through the use of balanced end-levelc omparisons between 45-65 dB SPL up-ramps and 85-65 dB SPL down-ramps that both converged on 65 dB SPL. Overall, global loudness change wass ignificantly greater in response to vowel and white-noise up-ramps, relative to their corresponding down-ramps. However, with end-levelrecencycontrolled, global loudness change wass ignificantly greater for up-ramps relative to down-ramps in 3.6 sa nd 7.2 sv owel conditions only.T his wasf acilitated by an up-ramp-specifice ff ect of duration, where the magnitude of global loudness change increased as vowel up-ramp duration increased from 3.6 sto7.2 s. The findings are discussed in the context of psychoacoustics and ecological acoustics.