Abstract. A total of 20 urban neighbourhood-scale eddy covariance flux
tower datasets are made openly available after being harmonized to create a
50 site–year collection with broad diversity in climate and urban surface
characteristics. Variables needed as inputs for land surface models
(incoming radiation, temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind and
precipitation) are quality controlled, gap-filled and prepended with 10 years of reanalysis-derived local data, enabling an extended spin up to
equilibrate models with local climate conditions. For both gap filling and
spin up, ERA5 reanalysis meteorological data are bias corrected using
tower-based observations, accounting for diurnal, seasonal and local urban
effects not modelled in ERA5. The bias correction methods developed perform
well compared to methods used in other datasets (e.g. WFDE5 or FLUXNET2015).
Other variables (turbulent and upwelling radiation fluxes) are harmonized
and quality controlled without gap filling. Site description metadata
include local land cover fractions (buildings, roads, trees, grass etc.),
building height and morphology, aerodynamic roughness estimates, population
density and satellite imagery. This open collection can help extend our
understanding of urban environmental processes through observational
synthesis studies or in the evaluation of land surface environmental models
in a wide range of urban settings. These data can be accessed from
(Lipson et al.,