This study is based on the speed control performances of a Synchronous Motor with a Permanent Magnetic electric vehicle drive system. Due to the fast depletion of fossil resources, pollution, and issues with the global environment caused by internal combustion vehicles, it must change to a renewable energy source. Offering advantages, including high dependability, compact volume, lightweight construction, and high efficiency, PMSM is being used in EV drive systems, including high dependability, compact volume, lightweight construction, and high efficiency.PMSM is being used in EV drive systems. This kind of motor drive is among the best options for robotics and machine vision applications that require intensive motion control. Additionally, it is being researched for high-power uses including industrial drives and vehicle propulsion. The parameter FOPID controller was generally tuned by GA using an integral square Error criterion, which realizes a good dynamic behavior of the system. While maintaining good dynamic performance, a precise speed and current tracking ensure stability tolerance against parameter fluctuations and rapid load disturbance. The AFFOPID's speed response demonstrates that it outperforms FOPID and PID controllers with respect to dynamic performance.AFFOPID has less overshoot (0.03645%), rise time(0.016)and settling time (0.001495seconds)than FOPID, which has overshoot(11.798%), rise time(0.01408), and settling time(0.015335).and PID that overshoot by21.341%, rising time that was 0.014208 seconds, and settling time that was 0.01495 seconds.