and stochastic optimization schemes are used to safely
operate chemical processes, with operating conditions that are guaranteed
to be feasible in the presence of a plant-model mismatch, often at
the expense of a less optimal operating point. Modifier adaptation
(MA) is a methodology of real-time optimization (RTO) which uses measurements
to iteratively modify the operating conditions until convergence,
which is guaranteed to satisfy the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker
conditions of the plant. However, MA is not guaranteed to remain feasible
for every iteration, thus undermining the eventual more optimal operating
conditions. This paper develops three multi-model RTO approaches using
robust optimization techniques and a new filter which guarantees feasible
iterates under a structural plant-model mismatch if the model uncertainty
can upper-bound the second derivative of the plant. These approaches
are compared to MA in the simulation of a chemical reactor, where
all three converge to the plant optimum without violating the constraints.