In uiuo quantitation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) was carried out and their accumulation kinetics were determined by adoptive transfer of %r-PMN in control rats, nephritic but non-proteinuric rats and nephritic rats with heavy proteinuria. Nephritis was induced by daily administration of antigen to preimmunized rats for 4 weeks. Renal accumulation of 51Cr-PMN was maximal at 3 h after the adoptive transfer in diseased rats, to which the last antigen administration was given 24 h prior to the kinetic study. Histologically, however, a considerable number of PMN had infiltrated into the glomeruli of these rats at any given time during the 24-h period, i.e., the time interval between antigen challenges. Two pieces of evidence strongly suggest that circulating PMN adhere to glomeruli, stay there for a short time and then become dispersed again into the circulation. When antigen was administered after 51Cr-PMN transfer, the PMN disappeared promptly from the circulation and accumulated in the lungs and liver, resulting in a lack of any peak in the kidney PMN kinetics. It is concluded that the presence of an appreciable number of PMN in the glomeruli reflected the dynamic balance of cell influx and efflux. ACTA PATHOL JPN 38 : 1513-1521. 1988.