Due to the presence of regions with weak textures or non-Lambertian surfaces, feature matching in learning-based Multi-View Stereo (MVS) algorithms often leads to incorrect matches, resulting in the construction of the flawed cost volume and incomplete scene reconstruction. In response to this limitation, this paper introduces the MVS network based on attention mechanism and neural volume rendering. Firstly, we employ a multi-scale feature extraction module based on dilated convolution and attention mechanism. This module enables the network to accurately model inter-pixel dependencies, focusing on crucial information for robust feature matching. Secondly, to mitigate the impact of the flawed cost volume, we establish a neural volume rendering network based on multi-view semantic features and neural encoding volume. By introducing the rendering reference view loss, we infer 3D geometric scenes, enabling the network to learn scene geometry information beyond the cost volume representation. Additionally, we apply the depth consistency loss to maintain geometric consistency across networks. The experimental results indicate that on the DTU dataset, compared to the CasMVSNet method, the completeness of reconstructions improved by 23.1%, and the Overall increased by 7.3%. On the intermediate subset of the Tanks and Temples dataset, the average F-score for reconstructions is 58.00, which outperforms other networks, demonstrating superior reconstruction performance and strong generalization capability.