Designing Context-aware Mobile Patient Monitoring Frameworks (CMPMF) is an emerging study in the biomedical informatics domain. However, literature on this topic is fragmented: first, there are no categories in the literature to characterize these CMPMF; second, there are no success factors that must be satisfied to enhance the design of these CMPMF; third, there is a need for a research agenda that provides a foundation for further research and development to enhance the design of these CMPMF. To address this gap, this paper is a review of context-aware frameworks in general and a systematic review of 10 designed context-aware frameworks in the biomedical informatics domain. Consequently, in this paper, three results are provided. First, a number of categories to be used to gain an intensive and extensive understanding of the designed CMPMF are identified. Second, a set of success factors, called Factors of Successful Context-aware Application Frameworks (FSCAF) are identified, to be used to enhance the design of CMPMF. Third, a research agenda that shows lacks and gaps in the designed CMPMF and provides a foundation to help researchers to design enhanced CMPMF is presented. The results show that no study integrated all of the FSCAF to enhance the design of CMPMF. Therefore, there is a need for further research to enhance the design of the existing CMPMF.