Abstract. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is recently becoming popular, promising and widespread. In contrast, RFID tags can bring about traceability that causes user privacy and reduces scalability of RFID. Guaranteeing untraceability and scalability at the same time is so critical in order to deploy RFID widely since user privacy should be guaranteed. A large number of RFID protocols were designed in the open literature, but any known protocols do not satisfy untraceability and scalability at the same time to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we suggest a RFID authentication protocol that guarantees untraceability and scalability together; needless to say preventing several known attacks: replay, spoofing, desyncronization, and cloning by eavesdropping. Our protocol supports ownership transfer and considers multitag-reader environment; a reader receives messages from the tags what a reader wants in our protocol. In addition, we address the reason why the item privacy is important, and a way to keep it securely.