“…Algorithmic developments included rule-based modeling to specify reactions more compactly (Faeder et al ., 2009), and model composition tools, (Lopez et al ., 2013; Gyori et al .,2017; Hoops et al ., 2006; Somogyi et al ., 2015) but large-scale models often still presented challenges. More recent work has provided such tools like AMICI that enables SBML-specified models to be simulated quickly, PEtab (Stapor et al ., 2018; Schmiester et al ., 2021) and Datanator (Roth et al ., 2021) that specifies data formats for parameter estimation, formalisms that can help with unambiguous species naming, (Lang et al ., 2020) and composition approaches such as ours that simplify model aggregation and expansion in ways that are compatible with efficient large-scale simulation algorithms and easy to reuse (Erdem et al ., 2022). Not unexpectedly, however, there remains much work to be done to even technically enable large-scale and whole-cell modeling.…”