We show how short inflation naturally arises in a non-minimal gravity theory with a scalar field without any potential terms. This field drives inflation solely by its derivatives, which couple to the matter only through the combinationḡ µν = g µν − 1 m 4 ∂ µ φ∂ ν φ. The theory is free of instabilities around the usual Minkowski vacuum. Inflation lasts as long asφ 2 > m 4 , and terminates gracefully once the scalar field kinetic energy drops below m 4 . The total number of e-folds is given by the initial inflaton energyφ 2 0 as N ≃ 1 3 ln(φ 0 m 2 ). The field φ can neither efficiently reheat the universe nor produce the primordial density fluctuations. However this could be remedied by invoking the curvaton mechanism. If inflation starts wheṅ φ 2 0 ∼ M 4 P , and m ∼ m EW ∼ T eV , the number of e-folds is N ∼ 25. Because the scale of inflation is low, this is sufficient to solve the horizon problem if the reheating temperature is T RH > ∼ MeV . In this instance, the leading order coupling of φ to matter via a dimension-8 operator 1 m 4 ∂ µ φ∂ ν φ T µν would lead to fermion-antifermion annihilation channels ff → φφ accessible to the LHC, while yielding very weak corrections to the Newtonian potential and to supernova cooling rates, that are completely within experimental limits.