We calculate the spin-averaged J/ψ-nucleon scattering length a J/ψ by directly applying the QCD sum rule to the J/ψ-N forward scattering amplitude. Our result, a J/ψ = −0.10 ± 0.02 fm, implies the possibility of bound states with nuclei, though the force is weaker than that of the light vector mesons (ρ, ω, φ)-N cases. Up to dimension-4 gluonic operators, we evaluate the scattering length with a twist-2 contribution. This increases the absolute value of the scattering length by about 30%. If we apply a J/ψ to the effective mass of J/ψ in nuclear matter on the basis of the linear density approximation, it exhibits very slight decrease (4-7 MeV) at normal matter density. §1. IntroductionTheoretical analysis on the in-medium properties of hadrons is increasingly necessary for various on-going and forthcoming heavy-ion experiments (such as SPS, LHC (CERN) and AGS, RHIC (BNL)). 1) In particular, experimentally it is important to observe vector mesons, because they decay into lepton pairs and carry the information inside matter without the disturbance of the strong interaction. The properties of light vector mesons in nuclear matter have been studied extensively in various theoretical approaches, including effective hadronic models 2) and QCD sum rules (QSR's). 3) -6) Vacuum properties of the vector mesons have been successfully studied using the QSR's. 7), 8) The method enables us to express physical quantities such as mass and decay width in terms of the parameters of the QCD Lagrangian and vacuum condensates. Extending the vacuum QSR to finite density, we can consistently incorporate the effects of nuclear matter into the form of in-medium condensates. There are two methodologically different ways for applying in-medium QSR. First, Hatsuda and Lee developed the in-medium QSR formalism for light vector mesons. 3) They found a 10 − 20% decrease of the masses of the ρ and ω mesons at normal matter density. Second, for light vector mesons, we formulated in-medium QSR 4), 6) based on the relation between the scattering length and the mass shift. 9) In this approach with the Fermi gas model, the in-medium correlation function is divided into a vacuum part and a one nucleon part. This one nucleon part corresponds to the forward vector meson-nucleon scattering amplitude. The QSR analysis on the forward scattering amplitude enables us to obtain information concerning the vector meson-nucleon interaction. Moreover, from this information we can estimate the change of spectra for vector mesons in nuclear matter. The difference between * )