“…Participants in the seven intervention studies included autistic students (n = 102, male n = 82, female n = 20) ranging from 8 years old to 17 years old (mean = 13.34), and one study did not report age ranges, only grade levels (grades six to eight) [41]. Three studies included only male students [42,44,46], and four studies contained both male and female students [41,45,47,49]. Among the six studies investigating the different perspectives and experiences, three studies examined the views of autistic students and youth (n = 72) [10,48,51], with one study including the views of parents (n = 18) on the types of strengths autistic students have [51], and three studies investigated the experiences and perspectives of school staff (n = 123), including teachers, principals, education support officers and administrative assistants [40,43,50].…”