Our knowledge on the possible existence in nature of stable exotic particles depends solely upon experimental observation. Guided by this general principle and motivated by theoretical hypotheses on the existence of stable particles of strange quark matter, a variety of experimental searches have been performed. We provide an introduction to the theoretical hypotheses, an overview of the past searches, and a more detailed description of a recent search for helium-like strangelets in the Earth's atmosphere using a sensitive laser spectroscopy method. Is it possible that ordinary nuclear matter that we are familiar with is actually metastable and slowly decaying into quark matter of lower energy? Many hypotheses have been proposed addressing this question. Bodmer first proposed a lower-energy nuclear state, which he called "collapsed nuclei" [1]. Witten investigated the stability of strange quark matter, which consists of approximately equal number of u, d and s quarks in a hadronic state, and reached the intriguing conclusion that it may indeed be stable even at zero external pressure [2]. A particle of strange quark matter is called a "strangelet". Searches for such exotic matter have been performed in astronomical observation, in cosmic rays, in heavy-ion collisions, and in chemical analyses of ordinary matter. Several excellent review articles on this subject are available [3][4][5]. Here we focus on one aspect of the subject: the experimental searches for stable strangelets in ordinary matter. In Section 1, we provide a brief pedagogical introduction to strange quark matter and strangelets; in Section 2, we review the past searches; in Section 3, we present our recent search for helium-like strangelets in the Earth's atmosphere.