Recent experimental results on nucleon-antinucleon annihilation reactions of the type NN~~X have provided evidence for a new mesonic state X2 with quantum numbers J (I ) =2++ (0+ ) which lies outside of the usual quark-antiquark (QQ) tensor meson nonet of liavor SU(3). We show that the observed production rates of X2 from atomic pp states of orbital angular momentum L =0, 1, as well as the decay characteristics of X"namely, its preference for pp over~~decay and the absence of an observable KK mode, are consistent with an interpretation of X2 as a quasinuclear bound state of the NN potential. The principal binding mechanism for such states is provided by the coherent tensor forces for isospin I =0 which arise from meson exchanges. We review the evidence for the 0++(0+) and 1 (0 ) states predicted in this model and apply the 'Po strongcoupling quark model to estimate the decay branching ratios for a variety of NN bound states. Key experimental tests of our interpretation are discussed.