We analyze the 1496 days of SuperKamiokande data to put limits on the ν e ,ν e , ν µ + ν τ andν µ +ν τ components of the diffuse flux of supernova neutrinos, in different energy intervals and for different neutrino energy spectra. By considering the presence of only one component at a time, we find the following bounds at 90% C.L. and for neutrino energy E > 19.3 MeV: Φ νe < 73.3 − 154 cm −2 s −1 , Φν e < 1.4 − 1.9 cm −2 s −1 , Φ νµ+ντ < (1.0 − 1.4) · 10 3 cm −2 s −1 and Φν µ+ντ < (1.3 − 1.8)·10 3 cm −2 s −1 , where the intervals account for varying the neutrino spectrum. In the interval E = 22.9 − 36.9 MeV, we find Φ νe < 39 − 54 cm −2 s −1 , which improves on the existing limit from SNO in the same energy window. Our results for ν µ + ν τ andν µ +ν τ improve by about four orders of magnitude over the previous best constraints from LSD.