Let D be a simply connected domain of the z=x+iy plane, whose boundary contains a portion a of the x-axis. Also let A(z 9 £), B(z 9 £) be holomorphic functions for z, £ e D\JOKJD 9 where 5={z|z e D). The aim of this note is to announce some recent results on the global existence for the Cauchy problem of the first order linear elliptic equations (in complex normal form) : where £ x is a fixed point in J3, the equation (1) can be reduced to the formThe following integral representation for the solution of (1) in a simply connected domain G^D\jaKJD has been established by Vekua [7], and later extended to the boundary dG of G by Yu [9]. LEMMA 1. Every solution W{z) of (I) in G, continuous in GudG, has the integral representation