The exchange of confidential information should be done in a secure environment. Therefore, security is needed if the exchange of information is carried out using Internet media. The way to secure the information can be done using cryptography and steganography techniques. and vigenere cipher had been applied as cryptography techniques and the LSB method as steganography techniques. This research has also compared the effect of the Fibonacci sequence in the encryption process. In this study, six images were used, each with a different extension, size, and type of images. All these images will be inserted with the secret message resulting from the encryption that applies the Fibonacci sequence or without applying the Fibonacci sequence. Fibonacci series is used to generate a random key, which is used for encrypting the message in playfair encryption algorithm. The level of effectiveness of the Fibonacci sequence has been determined and measured using MSE, PSNR, Entropy, UACI, and NPCR. The highest PSNR was in a 512x512 pixel grayscale image with a result of 7.9632, the best PSNR obtained was more than 85 dB, while the best UACI obtained was more than 49% using Fibonacci and 34% without implementing Fibonacci. The NPCR obtained is both above 99%, it is just that the image that has been implemented by Fibonacci produces a slightly higher UACI.