A large-scale sensor network usually operates in open and unattended environments, hence individual sensor node is vulnerable to various attacks. Therefore, malicious attackers can physically capture sensor nodes and inject false reports into the network easily through compromised nodes. These false reports are forwarded to the base station. The false report injection attack causes not only false alarms, but also the depletion of the restricted energy resources in a battery powered network. The statistical en-route filtering (SEF) mechanism was proposed to detect and drop false reports en route. In SEF, the choice of routing paths largely affect the energy consumption rate and the detecting power of the false report. To sustain the secure routing path, when and how to execute the path re-selection is greatly need by reason of the frequent network topology change and the nodes's limitations. In this paper, the regional path re-selection period determination method is proposed for efficient usage of the limited energy resource. A fuzzy logic system is exploited in order to dynamically determine the path re-selection period and compose the routing path. The simulation results show that up to 50% of the energy is saved by applying the proposed method.