The proper utilization of the enormous data volume generated by IoT is predi-cated on the use of proper data sharing mechanisms that involve satisfying manycomplex requirements including scalability, performance, and security. Therefore,many blockchain-based data-sharing systems were proposed in the literature toaddress the problem of data sharing within different application domains thatsatisfy combinations of those requirements. However, these systems fully spec-ify how data is delivered between providers and consumers, which limits theircompatibility and customizability. Therefore, in this article, we address this issueby proposing a platform for traceable data sources where the delivery methodis user-definable. This allows existing data sources to be adapted by chainingthem to new data sources that deliver data in a way that satisfies consumerrequirements. This is in addition to enabling users to monetize their data sourcesand their delivery methods using different public blockchains. We evaluated theproposed platform by implementing two different use cases and the preliminaryresults show that the platform has great potential.