Discretization induced oscillations in the load-displacement curve are a well known problem for simulations of cohesive crack growth with finite elements. The problem results from an insufficient resolution of the complex stress state within the cohesive zone ahead of the crack tip. This work demonstrates that the hp-version of the finite element method is ideally suited to resolve this complex and localized solution characteristic with high accuracy and low computational effort. To this end, we formulate a local and hierarchic mesh refinement scheme that follows dynamically the propagating crack tip. In this way, the usually applied static a priori mesh refinement along the complete potential crack path is avoided, which significantly reduces the size of the numerical problem. Studying systematically the influence of h-, p-and hp-refinement, we demonstrate why the suggested hp-formulation allows to capture accurately the complex stress state at the crack front preventing artificial snapthrough and snap-back effects. This allows to decrease significantly the number of degrees of freedom and the simulation runtime. Furthermore, we show that by combining this idea with the finite cell method, the crack propagation within complex domains can be simulated efficiently without resolving the geometry by the mesh.Keywords: cohesive fracture, automatic hp-adaptivity, arbitrary hanging nodes, dynamic meshes, finite cell method Changes to the manuscript resulting from remarks of Reviewer one are marked in red. Changes resulting from remarks of Reviewer two are marked in blue. Changes resulting from remarks of both reviewers are marked in green. Other textual changes are marked in brown.