Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) and microfluidics are important technologies with numerous applications from drug delivery to tissue engineering. LOC integrates fluidic and electronic components on a single chip and becomes very attractive due to the possibility of their state-of-art implementation in personalized devices for the point-of-care treatments. Microfluidics is the technique that deals with small (10-9 to 10-18 L) amounts of fluids, using channels with dimensions of 10 to 100 μm. These LOC and microfluidics devices enable the development of next-generation portable and implantable bioelectronics devices. Superior chip-based technologies are emerging with the advances in microfluidics and motivating various chip-based methods for rapid lowcost analysis as compared to traditional laboratory method.An organ-on-chip (OOC) is on-chip cell culture device created with microfabrication techniques and contains continuously perfused chambers inhabited by living cells that simulate tissue-and organ-level physiology. In vitro models of cells, tissues and organ based on LOC devices are a major breakthrough for research in biologic systems and mechanisms. The recapitulations of cellular events in OOC devices provide them an edge over twodimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) cultures and open a gateway for their newer applications in biomedicine such as tissue engineering, drug discovery and disease modeling. In this chapter, the advancement and potential applications of OOC devices are discussed. Keywords: lab-on-chip, MEMS, organ-on-chip, 3D cell culture, drug discovery 1. Introduction: why cell and organ on chip? The field of microfluidics or lab-on-chip (LOC) technology aims to advance and broaden the possibilities of bioassays, cell biology and biomedical research based on the idea of miniaturi