Free space atom-interferometry traditionally suffers from the large distances that atoms have to fall in order to achieve long interaction times. Trapped atom interferometry is emerging as a powerful way of achieving long interaction times in a reduced experimental volume. Here, we demonstrate bi-chromatic adiabatic magnetic shell traps as a novel tool for matterwave interferometry. We dress the magnetic hyperfine states of the F=1 and F=2 Rubidium 87 Bose-Einstein Condensates thus creating two independently controllable shell traps of which we use the = =-ñ F m 1, 1Using microwave pulses, we put atoms originally loaded into one of the two shell-traps into a superposition between the two shell traps. Since the two traps can be manipulated independently, their position and vertical curvature can be matched, thus creating a good starting point for an atom interferometer. This interferometer can be sensitive to spatially varying electric or magnetic fields, which could be DC or RF magnetic fields or microwaves. We demonstrate that the trap-matching afforded by the independent control of the shell traps allows for a tenfold increase in coherence times when compared to adiabatic potentials created by a single RF-frequency. For large-radius shells the atoms are confined to a 2D surface enabling highly sensitive imaging matterwave interferometers.Atom interferometry is a rapidly maturing quantum technology both for fundamental experiments and for applications. It has been successfully used to measure the Newtonian constant [1], and to put atominterferometric constraints on dark energy [2]. Which path and delayed choice experiments have been carried out using atom interferometry [3,4]. Atom interferometry may be used to test forces on atoms from small source masses in tests for small forces [5] and in the search for Ultralight Scalar Field Dark Matter [6,7]. Simple tests of the weak equivalence principle have been performed using atom interferometry [8] and there are proposals for space based extreme accuracy tests at the 10 −15 level [9] with some projections reaching 10 −19 [7,10]. On the applied side, atom interferometers have been used in absolute gravimetry on a ship [11] and in space [12]. Most precision interferometers still operate in the free-fall-regime, where, the case of acceleration, the precision scales with the square of the interaction time. As a consequence, the most precise interferometers tend to become very tall, in some cases reaching ten or even one hundred meters in height [13]. Even larger interaction times are only possible in zero gravity on parabolic flights or in space [14]. Large sensitivity typically requires long interaction times and thus a large free-fall distance, which in turn makes the apparatus rather large.There have been numerous attempts to miniaturize such systems, e.g.using shaken lattices [15], partially trapped atoms interferometry with Sr [16] and coherent accelerations performed by the Bloch oscillations technique [17]. Even though some progress has been achieved...