The web page recommendation is generated by using the navigational history from web server log files. Semantic Variable Length Markov Chain Model (SVLMC) is a web page recommendation system used to generate recommendation by combining a higher order Markov model with rich semantic data. The problem of state space complexity and time complexity in SVLMC was resolved by Semantic Variable Length confidence pruned Markov Chain Model (SVLCPMC) and Support vector machine based SVLCPMC (SSVLCPMC) meth-ods respectively. The recommendation accuracy was further improved by quickest change detection using Kullback-Leibler Divergence method. In this paper, socio semantic information is included with the similarity score which improves the recommendation accuracy. The social information from the social websites such as twitter is considered for web page recommendation. Initially number of web pages is collected and the similari-ty between web pages is computed by comparing their semantic information. The term frequency and inverse document frequency (tf-idf) is used to produce a composite weight, the most important terms in the web pages are extracted. Then the Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) between the most important terms and the terms in the twitter dataset are calculated. The PMI metric measures the closeness between the twitter terms and the most important terms in the web pages. Then this measure is added with the similarity score matrix to provide the socio semantic search information for recommendation generation. The experimental results show that the pro-posed method has better performance in terms of prediction accuracy, precision, F1 measure, R measure and coverage.