“…It is about transforming the signal domain to a space where the information is less sparse. This approach has been popular in the literature in the last two decades for the characterization of volcanic earthquake signals as part of the pre-processing of the data, among the most common we can mention the Fourier transform, Hilbert transform, wavelet transform, the logarithmic frequency cepstral coefficients (LFCC) [6], [8], [35]- [37], Mel-scale frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) [38], Linear Prediction Components (LPC) [2], [15], [24], [39]- [41], Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [16], [38], [42], [43], and among other nonlinear variations derived from the previous ones. This work will address two of the conventional techniques, LPC and PCA, as a basis of comparison for the proposed characterization technique in the preprocessing of seismic volcanic signals using Autoencoders, to transform the signals to a feature subspace as a support in the classification, by reducing the dimension of the data, eliminating redundant information and as a solution when the dataset presents an unbalanced profile.…”