By studying spectral properties of M [X ] /G/1 operator which corresponds to the M [X ] /G/1 retrial queueing model with server breakdowns and constant rate of repeated attempts, we obtain that all points on the imaginary axis except zero belong to the resolvent set of the operator and zero is an eigenvalue of both the operator and its adjoint operator with geometric multiplicity one. Therefore, by combining these results with our previous result we deduce that the time-dependent solution of the M [X ] /G/1 retrial queueing model with server breakdowns and constant rate of repeated attempts strongly converges to its steady-state solution.
KeywordsThe M [X ] /G/1 retrial queueing system with server breakdowns and constant rate of repeated attempts · C 0 -semigroup · Eigenvalue · Resolvent set Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) Primary 47D03 · 47A10; Secondary 60K25