This paper is an attempt to share with a larger audience some modern developments in the theory of finite automata. It is written for the mathematician who has a background in semigroup theory but knows next to nothing on automata and languages. No proofs are given, but the main results are illustrated by several examples and counterexamples.What is the topic of this theory? It deals with languages, automata and semigroups, although recent developments have shown interesting connections with model theory in logic, symbolic dynamics and topology. Historically, in their attempt to formalize natural languages, linguists such as Chomsky gave a mathematical definition of natural concepts such as words, languages or grammars: given a finite set A, a word on A is simply an element of the free monoid on A, and a language is a set of words. But since scientists are fond of classifications of all sorts, language theory didn't escape to this mania. Chomsky established a first hierarchy, based on his formal grammars. In this paper, we are interested in the recognizable languages, which form the lower level of the Chomsky hierarchy. A recognizable language can be described in terms of finite automata while, for the higher levels, more powerful machines, ranging from pushdown automata to Turing machines, are required. For this reason, problems on finite automata are often under-estimated, according to the vague -but totally erroneous -feeling that "if a problem has been reduced to a question about finite automata, then it should be easy to solve".Kleene's theorem [23] is usually considered as the foundation of the theory. It shows that the class of recognizable languages (i.e. recognized by finite automata), coincides with the class of rational languages, which are given by rational expressions. Rational expressions can be thought of as a generalization of polynomials involving three operations: union (which plays the role of addition), product and star operation. An important corollary of Kleene's theorem is that rational languages are closed under complement. In the sixties, several classification schemes for the rational languages were proposed, based on the * From 1st Sept 1993, LITP, Université Paris VI, Tour 55-65, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE.