The author describes the Mmogo-method TM , a visual projective research data-gathering method, as well as its use in two case studies. Visual presentations are made by using clay, straws, and beads, which serve as visual data. The transcribed discussions on the meanings of the visual presentations are used as textual data. The textual and visual data are analyzed by exploring the face value of the data, uncovering the personal and collective meanings of the data through thematic content analysis, and determining the contextual groundedness of the data. In the case study on older persons' experiences of drought, the personal feelings of hopelessness and depletedness are embedded in the sociopolitical context that contributed to the vulnerable economic position of older black people. The case study on the experiences of older persons infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS revealed personal experiences of stigmatisation and exclusion grounded in a sociopolitical context that contributed to the uncontrollable ramifications of the disease.