We rank the reactivity of the adenyl residues (A) of model DNA and RNA molecules with electropositive subnano size [Ag]n+ sites as a function of nucleic acid primary sequences and secondary structures and in the presence of biological amounts of Cl- and Na+ or Mg2+ ions. In these conditions A is markedly more reactive than any other nucleic acid bases. A reactivity is higher in ribo (r) than in deoxyribo (d) species [pA>pdA and (pA)n>>(pdA)n]. Base pairing decreases A reactivity in corresponding duplexes but much less in r than in d. In linear single and paired dCAG or dGAC loci, base stacking inhibits A reactivity even if A is bulged or mispaired (A.A). dA tracts are highly reactive only when dilution prevents self-association and duplex structures. In d hairpins the solvent-exposed A residues are reactive in CAG and GAC triloops and even more in ATC loops. Among the eight rG1N2R3A4 loops, those bearing a single A (A4) are the least reactive. The solvent-exposed A2 is reactive, but synergistic structural transitions make the initially stacked A residues of any rGNAA loop much more reactive. Mg2+ cross-bridging single strands via phosphates may screen A reactivity. In contrast d duplexes cross-bridging enables "A flipping" much more in rA.U pairs than in dA.T. Mg2+ promotes A reactivity in unpaired strands. For hairpins Mg2+ binding stabilizes the stems, but according to A position in the loops, A reactivity may be abolished, reduced, or enhanced. It is emphasized that not only accessibility but also local flexibility, concerted docking, and cation and anion binding control A reactivity.