The rate coefficient of the reaction NH 2 + NO → products (R1) was determined in shock tube experiments using frequency-modulation absorption spectroscopy for detection of NH 2 . Because of the sensitivity of the diagnostic system, very low reactant concentrations could be employed in order to reduce the influence of secondary reactions on the NH 2 profiles. Benzylamine, C 6 H 5 CH 2 NH 2 , was used as a thermal source of the NH 2 radicals in the experiments. To determine the reaction rate, a perturbation strategy was employed that is based on changes in the NH 2 profiles when NO is added to the C 6 H 5 CH 2 NH 2 /Ar mixtures. The measured NH 2 profiles were interpreted by detailed kinetic modeling to obtain the overall reaction rate of R1 in the temperature range 1262-1726 K. The lower temperature limit of the present study is in the middle of the Thermal De-NOx temperature window. The present rate measurements are consistent with both our previous determination of the rate at higher temperatures and lower temperature data. A rate expression obtained by combining our higher temperature data and lower temperature data isfor the temperature range 200-2500 K. The estimated uncertainty of the rate coefficient is ±20%.