We will give a complete solution to the frame quantum detection problem. We will solve both cases of the problem: the quantum injectivity problem and quantum state estimation problem. We will answer the problem in both the real and complex cases and in both the finite dimensional and infinite dimensional cases. Finite Dimensional Case:(1) We give two complete classifications of the sets of vectors which solve the injectivity problem -for both the real and complex cases. We also give methods for constructing them.(2) We show that the frames which solve the injectivity problem are open and dense in the family of all frames. (3) We show that the Parseval frames which give injectivity are dense in the Parseval frames. (4) We classify all frames for which the state estimation problem is solvable, and when it is not solvable, we give the best approximation to a solution. Infinite Dimensional Case:(1) We give a classification of all frames which solve the injectivity problem and give methods for constructing solutions.(2) We show that the frames solving the injectivity problem are neither open nor dense in all frames. (3) We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a frame to solve the state estimation problem for all measurements in ℓ1 and show that there is no injective frame for which the state estimation problem is solvable for all measurements in ℓ2. (4) When the state estimation problem does not have an exact solution, we give the best approximation to a solution.