Generally it is unknown, whether or not ∞ is a Weierstrass point on the modular curve X 0 (N ) if N is squarefree. A classical result of Atkin and Ogg states that ∞ is not a Weierstrass point on X 0 (N ), if N = pM with p prime, p M and the genus of X 0 (M) zero. We use results of Kohnen and Weissauer to show that there is a connection between this question and the p-adic valuation of cusp forms under the Atkin-Lehner involution. This gives, in a sense, a generalization of Ogg's Theorem in some cases.
Statement of problemLet H be the complex upper-half plane andThen 0 (N ) acts on H by fractional linear transformations. Let X 0 (N ) be the compact Riemann surface, i.e. the algebraic curve obtained from 0 (N )\H by adding the cusps and g(N) the genus of X 0 (N ). These curves play a fundamental role in arithmetic, as each X 0 (N ) is the moduli space of elliptic curves with prescribed cyclic subgroup of order N . A point P ∈ X 0 (N ), by definition, is a Weierstrass point, if there exists a nonzero function on K. Kilger ( ) Mathematisches