suMMARY The y-glutamyl transferase isoenzymes of bile were studied using electrophoretic, gel filtration, and ultracentrifugation techniques. In view of the known association of other biliary enzymes with lipids the effects of butanol extraction were investigated. The results show the presence of four isoenzymes of y-glutamyl transferase in bile, differing in electrophoretic mobilities, molecular size, and density. The correlation between the properties of biliary y-glutamyl transferase and of alkaline phosphatase is discussed.It has been recognised that there are several isoenzymes of y-glutamyl transferase (yGT) (E.C. present in the serum, although few attempts have been made to characterise them. In contrast, little attention has been paid to the presence of yGT in the bile, and the origin of the biliary isoenzymes has not been established.