In this study, to detect attacks of WSNs, a Hybrid Incursion Identification Approach (HIIA) is proposed. To reduce the amount of Energy Consumption (EC) of the sensor nodes, the HIIA mechanism utilizes a cluster-oriented approach with the LEACH protocol. For misuse observation and anomaly recognition, with MPNN (Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network) depended on fuzzy rule sets, HIIA structure is utilized. To refer to various varieties of attackers and to harmonize the identification results, with appendicle NN, FFNN (Feed Forward Neural Network) is utilized, that means Sybil Attack (SA), Hello Flood Attack (HFA) and Wormhole Attack (WA). To detect a SA, Improved SA Algorithm developed. Similarly, to detect a WA, that particular method is developed by Wormhole Anti-Hybrid Technique. Using the distance and power of the signal, HFA is detected. An exploratory research is conveyed out in a group of nodes. The nodes that misbehave in them are all determined. This proposed method, detects the performance of the accuracy, precision-recall and EC. This proposed method also finds the WA Detection Rate, HFA detection rate and the SA Detection Rate, respectively.