1. Invertebrate stream drift was sampled bimonthly in the Acheron River, Victoria, Australia, over a period of 18 months. Replicated hourly samples were collected over a 25-h period on each sampling date. A total of 194 taxa were identified in the drift. However, total drift density was dominated by few taxa. 2. Some evidence was obtained for a seasonal pattern in drift: this was most pronounced in relative abundances of individual taxa and the composition of the drift, rather than in total drift densities. Most of the commonly coUected taxa reflected the seasonal pattern of total drift. However, some of the common taxa did not. 3. A small number of taxa showed behavioural drift, with a nocturnal increase in drift densities. One species of 'Baetis' drifted in high densities over short periods of time around dusk and dawn. It did not drift in higher densities during the night than during the day. The results emphasize the need for drift studies to be more rigorously designed than is typically the case.