To elucidate the factors determining the organic carbon (OC) sequestration capacity of seagrass meadows, the distribution of OC and the fraction of seagrass-derived OC in sediments of the temperate cosmopolitan seagrass Zostera marina meadows and surrounding habitats were investigated in relation to physical properties of sedimentary materials. On average, seagrass meadow sediments showed OC levels twofold higher than other shallow nearshore habitats. However, offshore sediments often showed greater OC concentrations than average seagrass meadow sediments. According to estimations of OC sources based on carbon isotope ratios, 8-55% and 14-24% of OC in nonestuarine seagrass meadow sediments and < 30 m deep offshore sediments, respectively, were assigned to seagrass origin. The OC concentration in seagrass meadow and offshore sediments closely correlated to the specific surface area (SSA) of sediment (r 2 5 0.816 and 0.755, respectively; p < 0.0001),with an average OC loading per sediment surface area of approximately 60 lmol m
22. In seagrass meadow sediments, the fraction of seagrass-derived OC was also greater in samples with a larger SSA, and the seagrassderived OC occurred preferentially in sediment grains that had a specific gravity exceeding 2.0, namely, in a form closely associated with sediment minerals. The OC concentration, the fraction of seagrass-derived OC, and the SSA were positively correlated to the logarithm of areal extent of individual seagrass meadows (p < 0.01). These findings suggest that the OC sequestration capacity of nearshore vegetated habitats is under the primary control of geophysical constraints such as sediment supply rate and depositional conditions. Vegetated shallow coastal ecosystems, including intertidal salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrass meadows have been ranked among the most efficient biotic systems for accumulating organic carbon (OC) on an areal basis (McLeod et al. 2011;Fourqurean et al. 2012). It is estimated that these ecosystems may contribute almost half of OC burial in the global ocean even though they cover < 2% of the ocean surface (Duarte et al. 2005). Recent interest has focused on the potential to incorporate these ecosystems, called "blue forests," into policies for reducing carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. At the same time, there is increased concern about the possibility of CO 2 emissions caused by the decline of blue forest ecosystems, including the seagrass meadows (Pendleton et al. 2012;Grimsditch et al. 2013).High rates of OC accumulation in seagrass meadows are likely the result of specific ecosystem functions such as (1) extremely high primary productivity of seagrasses and associated microalgae, (2) efficient trapping of organic particles within the meadow sediment via its flow-regulation and bottom-stabilization effects, and (3) slowness of remineralization of OC within the meadow sediment due to the anoxic conditions that prevail (Duarte et al. 2013). Most of the OC stored in seagrass meadows exists as detrital OC derived from seagrasses...