rela,,:ation in plasticized copolymers of styrene and acrylonitri le is s tudied dUring ~helr formatIOn as well as in t he fully polymerized copolymers b y measurements of dlelectn ? .constant and loss fa ctor at several frequencies from 100 cis to 100 kc/s . In t he p? lyme~'lzl!1g nuxture, t here occur, at an early stage of the reaction, sigmo id decrea es in t h e dlelectl'lc co nstan t at each frequency, accompanied by maxima in t he loss fa cto r when t hese vanables are plotted as ~ fun ction o~ reaction t im e. These changes are interpreted as res ultll1~ from the relaxatl?n of the mtnle groups. The. electrical properties of t he ful ly polymeI.lzed copolymer, as It goes .throu~h Its glass tran;ntIOn , are in semiquan t itativ e agreement ,,?th those of the polymerIZing mIXture at t he stao-e of t h e reaction referred to demonstratlllg the Occurrence of similar phenomena in each ~ase.'