Modeling nonhydrostatic atmospheric flow requires the solution of the vertical equation of motion and a prognostic or diagnostic equation for pressure. If the nonhydrostatic components of the flow are relatively small, they can be approximated and incorporated into a purely hydrostatic model, which usually is conceptually simpler and computationally more efficient. A method to do this for a linear model of local thermally-induced circulations is further developed and adapted to a non-linear numerical tnodel of the neutral atmospheric boundary layer. A hydrostatic model and the quasinonhydrostatic version were used to simulate neutral flow over simple terrain features. One set of observations taken over a simple change in roughness and another set taken over a change in both roughness and terrain were simulated by both models to assess the capabilities of the quasinonhydrostatic technique.It is found that (as expected) the pressure deviation from the hydrostatic state is negligible for the roughness change, but it is an important aspect of neutral flow over terrain. Thus, for flow encountering a simple roughness change, the hydrostatic approximation is good, even for small horizontal scales. However, the quasi-nonhydrostatic model qualitatively produces the features in the observations for flow over a terrain change that the hydrostatic model cannot produce.