T h e ne w e ngl a nd jou r na l o f m e dicine n engl j med 372;6 nejm.org February 5, 2015 546 Review Article T his review focuses on three issues facing clinicians who care for patients with diabetic ketoacidosis; all of the issues are related to acid-base disorders. The first issue is the use of the plasma anion gap and the calculation of the ratio of the change in this gap to the change in the concentration of plasma bicarbonate in these patients; the second concerns the administration of sodium bicarbonate; and the third is the possible contribution of intracellular acidosis to the development of cerebral edema, particularly in children with diabetic ketoacidosis. In this article, we examine the available data and attempt to integrate the data with principles of physiology and metabolic regulation and provide clinical guidance.
Pl a sm a Bic a r bonate a nd the Pl a sm a A nion Ga pThe accumulation of ketoacids in the extracellular fluid leads to a loss of bicarbonate anions and a gain of ketoacid anions. Because of hyperglycemia-induced osmotic diuresis and natriuresis, patients with diabetic ketoacidosis usually present with a marked contraction of the extracellular fluid volume. This factor affects the assessment of their acid-base status and in some cases their therapy.Determination of the severity of metabolic acidemia is usually based on the extent of the decrease in the plasma bicarbonate concentration. Nevertheless, as shown in the equation below, the plasma bicarbonate concentration may be only moderately reduced when there is both a large deficit of bicarbonate in the extracellular fluid and a severe contraction of the volume of extracellular fluid. The bicarbonate deficit becomes evident during reexpansion of the volume of extracellular fluid when saline is administered:Extracellular fluid bicarbonate concentration [HCO 3 − ] = extracellular fluid HCO 3 − content ÷ extracellular fluid volume.The addition of new anions is reflected in an increase in the plasma anion gap, 1,2 which is the difference between the concentration of the major cation in plasma (sodium) and the major anions in plasma (chloride and bicarbonate). This difference is due largely to the net anionic valence on plasma proteins, principally albumin. A pitfall in using the plasma anion gap is the failure to correct for the net negative valence attributable to plasma albumin. 3 This correction must be made not only when the plasma albumin concentration decreases but also when it increases; the latter may occur in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis because of the marked contraction in the volume of extracellular fluid. For every decrease of 1 g per deciliter in the plasma albumin concentration from its normal value of 4 g per deciliter, one should add 2.5 mmol per liter to the calculated value of the plasma anion gap. For every increase of 1 g per deciliter in the plasma albumin level, one should subtract 2.5 mmol per liter from the calculated value of the plasma anion gap. 4,5 Even with this adjustment, it appears that the net neg...