Abstract. We use multiple scattering and energy conservation arguments to describe dn/dn N A N A as a function of dn/dn pp in the framework of string percolation.As nuclei are made up of nucleons it is natural to look at nucleus-nucleus (A-A) collisions as resulting from the superposition of nucleon-nucleon (p-p) collisions, in the spirit of Glauber model approach. In the single scattering limit the average number of participating nucleons per nucleus, N A behave incoherently and the multiplicity at low energy corresponds to the wounded nucleon modelThe equation (1) does not agree in general with data. At higher energies one has to take into account multiple scattering to obtain dn dywhere N 1+α(s)A is the estimated total number of nucleon-nucleon collisions and single scattering was subtracted [4]. It can be noticed that the energy momentum conservation constrains the combinatorial factors of the Glauber calculus at low energy. We address the problem of the energy momentum of the N A valence strings shared by N 4/3 A mostly sea strings, by reducing the effective number of sea strings rather than reducing the sea plateau. We write [4][5]we are back to the wounded nucleon model, and for √ s >> √ s 0 , α( √ s) → 1 3 , we have fully developed Glauber calculus. Here as in [2] [3] our framework is the Dual Parton Model with parton saturation, and we work with Schwinger strings, with fusion and percolation [6]. In this framework the interactions in N A N A collisions occur with the formation of longitudinal color strings in rapidity, stretched between the partons of the projectile and the target. In the impact parameter plane due to the confinement, the color of strings is confined to small area in transverse space S 1 = πr 2 0 with r 0 ∼ .2 − .3 fm, these strings decay into new ones by qq −qq pair production and subsequently hadronize to produce the observed hadrons. a