In daily life, counterfeit and substandard products, particularly currency, medicine, food, and confidential documents, are capable of bringing about very serious consequences. The development of anti-counterfeiting and authentication technologies with multilevel securities is a powerful means to overcome this challenge. Among various anti-counterfeiting technologies, fluorescent anti-counterfeiting technology is well-known and commonly used to fight counterfeiters due to its wide material source, low cost, simple usage, good concealment, and simple response mechanism. Spiropyran is favored by scientists in the fields of anti-counterfeiting and information encryption due to its reversible photochromic property. Here, we summarize the current available spiropyran-based fluorescent materials from design to anti-counterfeiting applications. This review will be help scientists to design and develop fluorescent anti-counterfeiting materials with high security, high performance, quick response, and high anti-counterfeiting level.