Industrial, large-scale helium recovery from natural gas is typically performed though cryogenic distillation. These technologies need a deep knowledge of the thermodynamics of the treated mixture: in the case of natural gas to a pipeline, CO 2 present in the feed stream might freeze at the process operating temperatures. The aim of this work is to analyze the thermodynamic behavior of the four-component mixture CH 4 −N 2 −He− CO 2 to predict its triphasic solid−liquid−vapor equilibrium (SLVE). Through a developed computational method based on the classical approach, the nitrogen and helium effect on CO 2 solidification has been assessed. The investigated conditions are consistent with typical cryogenic procesthesing temperatures (i.e., 100−200 K) and natural gas compositions. Pressure−temperature and temperature−composition equilibrium loci are provided for each analyzed case, varying the N 2 and He content in mixture. Helium behavior as a quantum gas has been considered by introducing temperature-dependent critical parameters, as suggested by Prausnitz and co-workers, valid for an acentric factor equal to zero. Referring to the proposed thermodynamic modeling, the risk of CO 2 freezing within a cryogenic helium recovery plant can be avoided by carefully managing the process operating conditions.