h i g h l i g h t sFracture response of a novel iron-based binder system brought out. Significantly higher fracture properties as compared to OPC systems. Superior influence of the unreacted metallic particles in the system elucidated. Digital image correlation method used for fracture property determination.
a b s t r a c tThis paper explores the fracture properties of a novel and sustainable glass-fiber reinforced composite, the matrix for which is formed through the aqueous, anoxic, room-temperature carbonation of (waste) metallic iron powder along with other minor ingredients. A comparison of the properties of this binder with Ordinary Portland Cement pastes, which constitutes one of the most common and economic ceramic matrices is also provided. The iron-based binder system exhibits fracture parameters (fracture toughness, K IC S and critical crack tip opening displacement, CTOD C , determined using two parameter fracture model, TPFM) that are significantly higher when compared to those of the OPC systems in both the unreinforced and glass fiber reinforced states. The beneficial influence of the unreacted metallic iron particles of large aspect ratio, on the fracture parameters of iron-based binders are elucidated. The strain energy release rates show trends that are in line with the fracture parameters from TPFM. The elastic and inelastic components of strain energy release rate are separated in an effort to capture the fundamental toughening mechanisms in these systems. The fracture parameters determined using a non-contact, digital image correlation technique are found to relate well to those obtained from TPFM.