Abstract. New data from HERA experiment on (diffractive) deep inelastic scattering has been used to parameterize nucleon and Pomeron structure functions. Within the Gribov theory, the parameterizations were employed to calculate gluon shadowing for various heavy ions and compared our results with predictions from other models. Calculations for d+Au collisions at forward rapidities at ultra-relativistic energies have been made and are compared to RHIC data on the nuclear modification factor. Results for gluon shadowing are also confronted with recent data on the nuclear modification factor at √ s = 17.3 GeV at various values of the Feynman variable xF , and the energy dependence of the effect is discussed.PACS. 12.40.Nn Regge theory, duality, absorptive/optical models -13.60.Hb Total and inclusive cross sections (including deep inelastic processes) -13.85.-t Hadron-induced high-and super-high-energy interactions (energy > 10 GeV) -25.75.-q Relativistic heavy-ion collisions