Phenomena such as shear thinning and thickening, occurring when complex materials are exposed to external forces, are generally believed to be closely connected to changes in the microstructure. Here, we establish a direct and quantitative relation between shear thinning in a colloidal crystal and the surface area of the locally melted region by dragging a probe particle through the crystal using optical tweezing. We show that shear thinning originates from the nonlinear dependence of the locally melted surface area on the drag velocity. Our observations provide unprecedented quantitative evidence for the intimate relation between mechanical properties and underlying changes in microscopic structure. The response of materials to external stresses and strains is of central importance for many applications in science and technology [1,2]. At macroscopic length scales the microstructure of many materials and complex fluids is often neglected and continuum models are applied to describe their flow behavior [1][2][3]. As a consequence of progressive miniaturization, the effect of the microscopic structure on mechanical properties becomes increasingly significant, which has invoked the development of micromechanical models [3][4][5][6]. Also in complex fluids there are many suggestions that the rearrangement of the local structure is the basis for behavior like shear thickening and thinning [1,2,[7][8][9][10]. The key here is the simultaneous characterization of the external forces and changes in the microstructure. We achieve this using active microrheology of colloidal crystals, which enables us to directly connect shear thinning to local melting.A two-dimensional, hexagonal colloidal crystal of melamine spheres of radius R c ¼ 1:5 m in water is deformed using a probe particle trapped in an optical tweezer. The lattice spacing a and number density are 3:5 m and 0:087 m À2 respectively, and the size of singledomain crystallites is typically larger than 250 Â 250 m 2 . Adding a very small amount (less than one probe particle per $3000 small particles) of large polystyrene probe particles (R p ¼ 7:75 m) to the suspension results in a crystal with built-in probe particles as shown in Fig.