A MONG all the intestinal nematodes, Trichi-J\. nella spiralis has probably made the best adjustment for a parasitic existence. All stages of the life cycle are parasitic. The sex¬ ually mature worms reside in the small intestine and produce larvae which invade the muscula¬ ture and internal organs of the host. A recent study of 55 experimentally infected hogs re¬ vealed the following distribution of larvae in the tissues: diaphragm, 100 percent; stomach, 18 percent; testes, 15 percent; liver, 11 percent; brain, lungs, wall of the small intestine, each 9 percent; pancreas and aorta, each 8 percent; 119 rats, 31 of 308 foxes, 1 of 40 opossums, 2 Dr. Kagan, chief of the Hehninthology Unit,