A common denominator in psychosomatically induced death is stress. Death can occur slowly, as from the preponderance of chronic stressors, or it can come on suddenly, as from an acute stressor. Sudden death is more likely in an individual with a preexistent serious medical condition such as hypertension, CAD, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer, Cushing's disease, and bronchial asthma. Individuals are more prone to sudden death who are: (1) highly anxious; (2) hostile; ( 3 ) manipulative of the environment; (4) anger repressors; ( 5 ) rapid shifters between anxiety and depression; (6) sufferers of a recent major less; or (7) socially isolated. Most cases of sudden death are related to the presence of a severely stressful situation in which there appears to be no means of control or escape. With mind control, hypnosis, and voodoo curses, circumstances can be manipulated to achieve severe stress and uncontrollability.