In this work, we investigated static and dynamical properties of quasi-one-dimensional strongly correlated systems. The main technique used in the study of such systems was the density matrix renormalization group. In this context, one of the systems that we considered were the spins N-leg Heisenberg ladders. For these ladders, we investigated static proper ties, such as the energy per site in the thermodynamic limit and the spin gap. In particular, we checked the validity of the Haldane-Sénéchal-Sierra's conjecture for the spin gap behavior of the Heisenberg ladders. Also for systems with ladders geometry, another problem that we analyzed was the entanglement entropy of quantum critical ladders. In this case, we proposed a conjecture for the scaling behavior of this entropy. In order to check our conjecture, we con sider free fermions, Heisenberg ladders and quantum Ising ladders. Finally, we investigated the behavior of the dynamical correlations in one-dimensional strongly correlated systems. For this case, we presented a detailed study of the asymptotic behavior of the dynamical spin autocorrelations at the bulk and the boundary of such systems.