The 26Al(n,p)26Mg reaction has been studied using neutron spectra which closely resembled Maxwell-Boltzmann (M.-B.) distributions with thermal energies of kT=40 x l0 6, 31 and 71keV and also for E,= 270-350 keV. These energies correspond to stellar temperatures T9=4.6 x 10 -7, 0.36, 0.82 and 3.1-4.1, where T 9 is in units of 109 K. The partial cross sections for the p0-(pl-)transition are found to equal 26+10(1,850 • 150), 13 • 6 (124 • 17), 16 + 13 (84 _ 14) and 21 • 8 (72 • 15) mb for the above neutron spectra, respectively. The astrophysical reaction rate is determined for the combined Poand p 1-transitions to be NA(av) =(0.324+O.026, 20.5+2.7, 22.6+_4.3 and 38.7• • 106 cm 3 mole-1 s-1. The results are compared with previous investigations and with statistical model calculations.