“…algorithms can be used to solve special form of sum of linear ratios problem, as far as we know, only Shen and Wang (2006) present a branch and bound algorithm for maximizing the sum of linear ratios with coefficients. In addition, several algorithms (Benson, 2002a(Benson, , 2002bDai, Shi, & Wang, 2005;Fang, Gao, Sheu, & Xing, 2009;Gao, Mishra, & Shi, 2012;Jaberipour & Khorram, 2010;Jiao, Wang, & Chen, 2013;Pei & Zhu, 2013;Shen & Jin, 2010;Shen, Duan, & Pei, 2009;Wang & Zhang, 2004) have been developed for globally solving sum of nonlinear ratios problems.…”